DR 12-0003 - PML: Underspecified coordinate spaces for animation formulas

John Haug johnhaug at exchange.microsoft.com
Thu Jan 26 00:57:44 CET 2012


Hi all -
This is a small DR to add some explanation about the coordinate space used by the variables defined in Part 1, section 19.5.79 (tav - Time Animate Value) that are used to animate shapes on a PresentationML slide.  While the ppt_x, ppt_y, ppt_w and ppt_h variables exist to abstract away their actual values, they do not indicate what coordinate space their values use.  Knowing how the values relate to the slide is important if a user wishes to do some math using those values.

Pretty straightforward - the coordinate space is given by the range [0,1], defined by the extents of the slide.  So, 0 is the left or top edge and 1 the right or bottom edge for ppt_x and ppt_y.  And 1 is the full width or height of the slide for ppt_w and ppt_h.

This one was raised to us by a user.

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