DRs 12-0010 to 12-0014, 12-0016, 12-0017, 12-0018

Chris Rae clr at chrisrae.com
Mon Oct 15 12:26:14 CEST 2012

Hi all - I've been taking a look at a few of the recent UK SML DRs. I think
that, as the submitter suggests, these can be addressed by adding
definitions. Here are the definitions I have in mind (or alternative ways of
addressing the issue).


Normal view [DR 12-0010]: "A document view in an application intended for
editing Office Open XML documents that displays text formatting and a
simplified page layout of a document. The Normal view may hide some layout
elements such as the header and footer."


Web page view [DR 12-0011]: "A document view in an application intended for
editing Office Open XML documents that displays text as though it would be
rendered in a web browser."


Wizard [DR 12-0012]: "A feature in an application intended for editing
Office Open XML documents that steps a user through the decisions necessary
to make use of a particular Office Open XML feature."


Sheet tab bar [DR 12-0013]: "An on-screen feature in an application intended
for editing Office Open XML documents which allows a user to select a
current worksheet for editing."


Insert row [DR 12-0014]: This is a wholly UI-based feature, but I think this
one will need something normative to define the behaviour. We should


PivotTable dropdown button [DR 12-0016]: This is only used once, so I think
this reference should be removed and replaced with something more
descriptive. I'm trying to find out from the Excel team what that might be.


AutoFilter button [DR 12-0017]: This reference should be removed from the
text. Instead of saying "Flag indicating whether the AutoFilter button for
this column is hidden." I'd like to say "Flag indicating whether an
application intended for editing Office Open XML documents should allow a
user to apply autofilters to this column. If this flag is true, the
application should not permit filtering".


Filter button [DR 12-0017]: This also occurs only once, and should be
resolved in the same fashion as DR 12-0017.



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