WML document containing metadata as a foreign part

MURATA Makoto eb2m-mrt at asahi-net.or.jp
Sun Sep 14 04:18:37 CEST 2014


Thank you for your experiment.  Yes, this is very helpful.

We might want to reserve some domain  and encourage all implementations
to preserve relationship types in that domain.  For example, any
relationship type /http://preserveme.openxmlformats.org/.... should be
preserved.  Of course, existing implementations are not aware of such
prefixes and will discard them anyway.

Let's discuss in Kyoto.


2014-08-22 0:25 GMT+09:00 Francis Cave <francis at franciscave.com>:

> Further to discussion on today’s WG4 telecon, I attach a WML file in which
> I have embedded some ONIX metadata – see docProps/onix.xml – which is one
> of the metadata examples mentioned by Murata-san.
> In _rels/.rels I have added:
> <Relationship Target="docProps/onix.xml" Type="
> http://www.example.com/relationships/foreign-metadata" Id="rId4">
> If I open the document in MS Office (Word 2013), then save it, the foreign
> part and associated Relationship are preserved.
> However, if I open the same document in LibreOffice, then save it (in WML
> format), the foreign part and associated Relationship are dropped.
> So we cannot recommend this approach without making it clear that
> consuming applications may choose to ignore such foreign parts.
> Francis


Praying for the victims of the Japan Tohoku earthquake

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