XML usage in OPC

MURATA Makoto eb2m-mrt at asahi-net.or.jp
Mon Sep 15 00:02:42 CEST 2014


There are five bullets in "XML Usage" in 29500-2.  The
last three are questionable.

The third bullet makes the MCE processing mandatory.  I
am not sure if it is a good idea.  Why should OPC force
the use of MCE?

> If the XML content contains the Markup Compatibility
> namespace, as described in Part 3, it shall be
> processed by the package implementer to remove Markup
> Compatibility elements and attributes, ignorable
> namespace declarations, and ignored elements and
> attributes before applying subsequent validation
> rules. [M1.19]

The fourth bullet mandates validaity against "the
corresponding XSD schema defined in this Open Packaging
specification".  This appears to disallow the use of
XSDs defined in Part 1!  What is more, XSD-less
documents (e.g, RDF) are disallowed.  I do not think
that this makes sense.

> XML content shall be valid against the corresponding
> XSD schema defined in this Open Packaging
> specification. In particular, the XML content shall
> not contain elements or attributes drawn from
> namespaces that are not explicitly defined in the
> corresponding XSD unless the XSD allows elements or
> attributes drawn from any namespace to be present in
> particular locations in the XML markup. Package
> implementers shall enforce this requirement upon
> creation and retrieval of the XML content. [M1.20]

The last bullet disallows the use of the prefix "xml"
and "xsi" unless the XSD schema for the XML content
explicitly allows them.  Thus, XSD-less XML contents
cannot use them.

> XML content shall not contain elements or attributes
> drawn from “xml” or “xsi” namespaces unless they
> are explicitly defined in the XSD schema or by other
> means described in this Open Packaging
> specification. Package implementers shall enforce
> this requirement upon creation and retrieval of the
> XML content. [M1.21]

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