DR 16-0007 - specific requests for clarification from the Excel team

Francis Cave francis at franciscave.com
Thu Aug 31 17:15:23 CEST 2017

Hi Aarti


Following the discussions on the WG 4 call yesterday, I have compiled a list
of questions to the Excel team, requesting clarification of various points
which don’t appear to be covered by implementer notes in MS-OI29500.
References are to sections in IS 29500.


Kind regards,





§18.8.34 rgbColor


The attribute @rgb on element rgbColor is optional in the SpreadsheetML
schema, but the element rgbColor would appear to be meaningless without the
attribute having a value. Can the Excel team confirm whether or not this
attribute is required by Excel, and if not, how Excel interprets its


§ calculatedItem


The attribute @field on element calculatedItem is optional in the
SpreadsheetML schema. Since there has to be some mechanism for referencing
the PivotTable field to which the formula (specified by @formula) is to be
applied, can the Excel team clarify whether @field is in fact required by
Excel, or whether there could be some alternative mechanism (e.g. using the
contents of a child extLst element) for locating the field in question, in
which case @field would be omitted?


§18.13.3 dbPr


The attribute @command on element dbPr is optional in the SpreadsheetML
schema. Can the Excel team explain under what circumstances this attribute
may be omitted? In particular, would it be omitted if the external data
connection had been deleted?


§18.14.5 definedName


The attribute @refersTo on element definedName is optional in the
SpreadsheetML schema. Can the Excel team confirm whether or not Excel
requires this attribute and, if not, how its omission is interpreted when a
document is opened?

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