Additional questions for Excel team

Francis Cave francis at
Thu Feb 1 20:06:33 CET 2018

Hi Aarti


As discussed on yesterday’s WG 4 telecon, here are the additional questions
that we agreed should be referred to the Excel team for their consideration.
I have made some editorial changes to the text and added document
references, which I hope will make it easier for the Excel team to respond.


Questions relating to Pivot Table elements


1.	Can you provide one or more suitable examples of the use of the
attribute cp on any of the elements b, d, e, m, n or s, to indicate the
number of properties of the item, for inclusion in the attribute description
table of one or all of these elements (see 29500 Part 1, §,
§, §, §, § or §
2.	With reference to MS-OI29500 subsection 2.1.796, page 361, what is
meant by “Office requires that @fld and @hier be mutually exclusive in
SpreadsheetML documents”? Does this mean that an entire SpreadsheetML
document may only contain one or other type of these attributes? Or does it
mean that each tuple may only contain one or other of these attributes, but
some tuples may contain one while other tuples contain the other attribute?
This relates to the element tpl as specified in 29500 Part 1, §


Many thanks!


Kind regards,




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