A couple more notes on clause 9

caroline arms caroline.arms at gmail.com
Thu May 10 14:15:37 CEST 2018

Murata-san and Francis,

I had made myself some notes on Murata-san's bullets before the call.  Most
were covered adequately in the discussion, but I thought it worth sending
the following:

General-purpose bit 11
APPNOTE states "If this bit is set, the filename and comment fields for
this file MUST be encoded using UTF-8."

ISO 21320-1 requires this bit to be set if any byte in a file name or file
comment is greater than 0x7F.

Extra Field for growth hint (not brought up on call)
Should we say something about character encoding in Extra Field storage
(used for growth hint) in 9.3.8?

I note that clause 9 uses "Extra field" but APPNOTE uses "Extra Field" and
"extra field."

64K limit for file name, etc.
What APPNOTE says about the 64K byte limitation mentioned in 9.3.6 comes
about 1/4 of the way down the APPNOTE file (line 483):

     "file name length: (2 bytes)
      extra field length: (2 bytes)
      file comment length: (2 bytes)

          The length of the file name, extra field, and comment
          fields respectively.  The combined length of any
          directory record and these three fields should not
          generally exceed 65,535 bytes.  If input came from standard
          input, the file name length is set to zero. "

Best wishes, Caroline
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