Draft Proposed WD1 for 29500-2 (OPC)

Rex Jaeschke rex at RexJaeschke.com
Tue Nov 11 16:13:10 CET 2014

I just posted to LiveLink the proposed draft of WD1 for 29500-2, OPC. It
includes the following changes from the current, published edition from

1. The edits I proposed for the "Terms and Definitions" clause, and which
were adopted with minor changes at the Berlin meeting (March 2014).

2. Edits to comply with the ISO style guide as circulated in 2013, plus
edits based on Japan's comments in the recent BRM for Part 3 (esp. w.r.t
formatting of numbered lists and trailing periods in Clause and Annex
top-level headings).

3. The edits proposed by Murata-san at

All edits other than those regarding style have been tracked.

Please review this document IN ADVANCE OF THE 2014-12-11 TELECONFERENCE, so
we can consider adopting this (or some amended version thereof) as WD1.


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