DR 12-0014, "SML: Table, term not defined"

Rex Jaeschke rex at RexJaeschke.com
Wed Feb 13 14:36:23 CET 2013

?cid=c8ba0861dc5e4adc&sc=documents> &sc=documents


>From the draft minutes of the Copenhagen Meeting: "Agreed on Chris' wording
(sent to list 2013-02-05) as an acceptable resolution. Closed."


In private mail to Alex (the DRs originator) and Chris (the author of the
replacement resolution), I disagreed with this decision. In subsequent mail
they too think that this DR was closed prematurely.


Specifically, the new solution makes no mention of the attribute
insertRowShift, which contains two uses of the offending term, "insert row".
So the adopted solution is incomplete. I don't think that we can just take
my proposed changes for that attribute as I wrote them, as the term "insert
row" has now been removed from attribute insertRow, to which my text points.


As such, I left this DR open in the DR log.




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