New DR for namespaces?

John Haug johnhaug at
Mon Oct 19 23:56:20 CEST 2015

Among my notes from the Beijing meeting is one about there possibly being missing attribute namespace overrides in Part 4.  This appears to relate to DR 08-0012<> when, for attributes in one namespace on elements in another, the attribute namespaces noted in the attribute tables in Part 1 were changed from ".../drawingml/2006/main" to "" and the attributes were added to Part 4 listing their old namespaces.  For example, see the bwMode attributes on grpSpPr and spPr in Part 1 and the corresponding entries 16.5.24 and 16.5.26 in Part 4.

It seems that Part 1 graphicFrame was missed and needs to have the same done to it.  Also, bg has no namespace notation for its bwMode attribute but the schema indicates it's the same as the ones that were changed.  So this one probably needs a notation added to Part 1 and a new entry in Part 4 noting the transitional namespace.

I found this while looking into something as part of an unrelated discussion we were having, so it didn't get more than passing note.  Does this look right to others so a new DR can be filed?

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