DR 17-0034 - proposed change to prose

Francis Cave francis at franciscave.com
Thu Mar 8 20:42:18 CET 2018

I do not think that the term "math argument" needs to be defined, but I 
think it would be helpful to identify the elements that represent 
mathematical expressions in this category, and which can have <m:argPr> 
as a child element. I therefore propose the following change to the 
first paragraph of §, as the simplest way of doing this:

    This element specifies any properties of the_a_ math argument. _The
    following elements represent math arguments: deg (§, den
    (§, e (§, fName (§, lim (§,
    num (§, sub (§, sup (§ [/Example/:
    The XML below represents the argSz attribute on the base element e
    of a box:

Incidentally, I have spotted more inconsistent drafting in §22.1.2: 
"Border-Box object" vs "Border Box object" (§ and §; 
"Box object" vs "box object" (§ and § These are 
minor nits.


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